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Chartreuse or purple white tail? Red shad or Blue metal flake? These are normally the decisions I make on picking out a birthday gift for my father as I comb through fishing tackle of Academy or Bass Pro Shops. However, this year I am stealing a page, pun intended, from my writer brother, Lance.  Mostly because they do not make a color of fishing worm or jerk bait that my dad does not own. Angling has upgraded though, soft plastic bellies of manufactured worms are not as advanced as the new chips that can update your depth finder.  GPS maps, satellite images, and coupons for the nearest fish fry right on your Lowrance’s screen!

Today, on my dad’s birthday, I am reminded of many good times fishing with him. While we do not get to spend the time fishing now as we once did, those times previous are only more cherished (and embellished) as time passes. It was in those times on a boat in Florida sunrises and sunsets that my dad taught me directly and indirectly. Now as I am in my ministry, those lessons I learned from a fisherman pastor father find fresh application. Here are some spiritual applications from those fish smelling, dingy water floating sermons:

You have to have PFA! That is Positive Fishing Attitude.  Usually I heard this about one hour in on an all day trip and I heard it often. Optimism in fishing only comes from knowledge and experience. Cast after cast a fish bite is envisioned because of the knowledge of the lure, action, location and the experience that it takes just one cast to land that keeper.  Spiritually, our attitude will only be positive and uplifted when we keep it well informed with God’s word and promises and we experience how good He is through a daily relationship. Whenever we lose sight of God’s word and promises and forget how good He is, we tend to sour spiritually.


You can’t catch fish with your lure out of the water! Spinnerbaits may be pretty sparkling in the sunlight, but they were not meant to hang in the air. They have to be employed into the water.  Sometimes the simplicity of this thought is profound. Many Christians are desiring life change and for God to do big things, but they are not engaged in what they were meant to do. They want God to bless them, but they do not read His word, they do not spend time growing with others, they only worship Him when it is convenient for them. They make look pretty, but are not engaged spiritually in a thriving relationship with God. Put the lure in the water.


Bring along some Vienna sausages… wait, nope! Nothing positive about that one. Vienna sausages are the most disgusting formation of meat substitute to be invented. Bring a turkey sammich and get on down the road!


Don’t quit too soon! Just one more cast.  Yeah, the sun has disappeared, we can’t see the boat ramp, and mosquitos have parked the blood drive bus on our arms, but that next cast could be on our wall next week.  Early on I whined and complained until dad would pack up the rods, but once I had some successes and had learned through time to enjoy it and keep on I savored the last tired moments. Dad did this with more than fishing. He spiritually fought the good fight and persevered through numerous battles and hardships. After 33 years of faithful shepherding, he retired this past August. It was a hard decision. He always wanted to catch more fish, spiritually.  However, it was an exemplary ministry that speaks volumes to the flock he shepherded.


With a little personal disclosure, I recall a conversation where my father was discussing his ministry and feeling as if he did too little.  That is something out of character for a fisherman.  Usually fisherman have no trouble embellishing the truth.  Recently, I had my brother Lee speak for us at Talty Baptist. Listening to Lee preach reminded me of the ministry at Trinity Baptist Church in Lake Wales, Florida. Where a spiritual fisherman with PFA, his lure in water, and a persevering spirit faithfully shepherded a family and congregation. These results won’t be trophies on a living room wall though…they will be crowns to be thrown at the feet of Jesus!

Happy Birthday Dad!